1C –
Accounting course

Course Duration:         1 month

Lesson Duration:          90 min

Number of Students
per group:                       up to 10


09:00-10:30 | 10:35-12:05
12:10-13:40 | 13:45:15:15
15:20-16:50 | 16:55-18:25
1C Accounting will disclose all the secrets of every business activity. Our professional accountants with rich versatile experience and high qualifications will clearly explain the material to the listener and give a great number of examples for better understanding.

1C Accounting will disclose all the secrets of every business activity. Our professional accountants with rich versatile experience and high qualifications will clearly explain the material to the listener and give a great number of examples for better understanding.

Nowadays, 1C software products are a certain standard of accounting, managerial and other types of bookkeeping in small and medium-sized businesses. Today’s employers require the appropriate skills to work with this particular software product. Similarly in many other cases: any process of automation of small and medium-sized businesses traditionally begins with 1C products and continues with their usage.

 Our certificate gives you:

  • Official confirmation of high qualifications, experience and skills in working with the most popular management and accounting automation programs.
  •  Advantages for promotion or in hiring.
  •  Respect and trust of your superiors and employees.
  • Confidence in your knowledge and abilities.


(*только для новых слушателей)